Day Thirty: An Intimacy

O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. You have hedged me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me (Psalm 139:1-3, 5).

The following adapted from Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s Bible Exposition Commentary of Psalm 139

God knows us intimately! Some proof from the above passage of scripture:

  • search (v. 1) = to examine with pain or care
  • understand (v. 2) = to distinguish and discern with insight
  • hedge (v. 5) = to guard a valuable object

Can you see that God knows His children intimately and exhaustively?


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One response to “Day Thirty: An Intimacy

  • 31 Days of Heart Gush « Anomaly

    […] Day One: A Song Day Two: A Shepherd Day Three: A Quote Day Four: A Challenge Day Five: A(nother) Song Day Six: A Note to the Ladies Day Seven: A Hope Day Eight: A Poem Day Nine: A Recommendation Day Ten: An Exhortation Day Eleven: A Perspective Day Twelve: A FMF Day Thirteen: A Question Day Fourteen: A Brokenness Day Fifteen: A Kinetic Typography Day Sixteen: A Prayer Day Seventeen: An Observation Day Eighteen: A Heartset Day Nineteen: A Beauty Day Twenty: A Testing Day Twenty-One: An Affliction Day Twenty-Two: An Inheritance Day Twenty-Three: A Renewal Day Twenty-Four: A Masculinity Day Twenty-Five: A Rest Day Twenty-Six: A(nother) FMF Day Twenty-Seven: An Encouragement Day Twenty-Eight: A Verse Day Twenty-Nine: A Declaration Day Thirty: An Intimacy […]

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